Employee Policies
THEFT - Stealing company property is grounds for immediate dismissal. Legal action will be taken against you. Any outstanding pay will be withheld to cover losses.
DRUGS/ALCOHOL - Drugs & alcohol at work or under the influence are grounds for immediate dismissal.
MUSIC - Music may be play on commercial job sites most of the time. Headphones must be used on residential job site. During training, no headphones are allowed. Music may be played on exterior work sites with client approval.
QUITTING WITHOUT NOTICE - Sharp Lines Painting is legally entitled to a reasonable notice period of AT LEAST 2 weeks. Any shorter then that may result in serious losses for which you will be legally held accountable and sued. Any outstanding pay may be withheld to cover losses.
UNSUBORDINATION - Not accepting authority will result in warnings verbally & written. Should there be no improvement, this is grounds for dismissal.
LACK IN PERFORMANCE - Sharp Lines Painting is striving to be a premier painting company. Your duty as a painter is to complete safe, quality, efficient work. Should your work be found of low quality, messy, sloppy or inconsistent, you will be warned verbally and via written notice. Should there be no improvement, you will be let go without further notice.
TARDINESS - Tardiness is not accepted as clients have schedules & company relies on schedules to function. Please communicate with managers & clients if you will be late. Should you not improve after warnings, this is grounds for dismissal without further notice.